Bryan Clay, Olympic Decathlete, declares great experience with Bioenergy Ribose

Bryan Clay, Olympic Decathlete, talks about how he was approached by Bioenergy Life Science with a unique opportunity and product, Bioenergy Ribose. He was told it would help sustain his energy and he would not fatigue as easily. It would also help with cardiovascular functions. But as an Olympic athlete, he had to be very careful with what he puts in his body. So he had the product tested and it was deemed clean and safe. Bryan has been taking it ever since and it’s been a great experience!


Bioenergy Ribose played big part in Olympic Decathlete’s training/recovery

Bryan Clay, Olympic gold medalist, talks about how, of all the supplements he takes, he can definitely state that Bioenergy Ribose played a big part in his overall program for training and recovery. Bioenergy Ribose made a difference in his recovery, not only from day to day but from event to event.


Bryan Clay, Olympic decathlete, takes Bioenergy Ribose to refuel

Bryan Clay mixes Bioenergy Ribose with his coconut water in between training sessions to help him refuel. He says it doesn’t change the taste of his drinks or food which is a great benefit for a supplement.


Bryan Clay’s wife, Sarah, tries Bioenergy Ribose to help prepare for first marathon

Bryan Clay talks about how his wife, Sarah, plans to take Bioenergy Ribose to help her prepare for her first marathon, the Honolulu Marathon (which took place December 2012). She knows what an advantage it gives Bryan during his training and wants that same advantage.